Numeric functions in php
The is_numeric function used to check that the value of a variable is a number or not.
Syntax: is_numeric(var_name)
<?php $var = 55; if(is_numeric($var)){ echo "Value is a number"; } else{ echo "Value is not a number"; } ?> Output: Value is a number |
The number_format function used to format a number with in a groups of thousands.
Syntax: implode(number,decimals,decimalpoint,separator)
(Number is required, other parameters are optional)
<?php echo number_format("5000000")."<br>"; echo number_format("5000000",3)."<br>"; echo number_format("5000000",3,"/","*"); ?> Output: 5,000,000 |
The range function used to create an array with containing the values with in the range.
Syntax: range(low,high,step)
<?php $count = range(5,7); print_r($count); ?> Output: Array ( |
The min function used to get the smallest value from an array or smallest value from some specified values.
Syntax: min(array_values); or min(value1,value2,…);
<?php echo min(5,10,6,3,15); ?> Output: 3 |
The max function used to get the largest value from an array or largest value from some specified values.
Syntax: max(array_values); or min(value1,value2,…);
<?php echo max(5,10,6,3,15); ?> Output: 15 |
The round function used to rounds a floating point number.
Syntax: round(number,precision,mode)
<?php echo(round(0.85) . "<br>"); echo(round(0.50) . "<br>"); echo(round(0.39) . "<br>"); echo(round(-3.40) . "<br>"); echo(round(-3.60)); ?> Output: 1 |
The floor function used to rounds a number downnward to the nearest integer.
Syntax: floor(number)
<?php echo(floor(0.55) . "<br>"); echo(floor(0.45) . "<br>"); echo(floor(5) . "<br>"); echo(floor(5.10) . "<br>"); echo(floor(-5.10) . "<br>"); echo(floor(-5.90)); ?> Output: 0 |
your trick was awesome. its a very different logic in create. thankksssss so much